6 Benefits of Mountain Biking – Reasons to Get Out and Ride

Mountain biking is a great way to get active and enjoy the outdoors. If you’re new to the sport or are considering giving it a try, here are some of the benefits of mountain biking you can look forward to.

1. It’s a great workout

Riding your mountain bike can be a lot of fun, but the sport also has some great health benefits and it makes for a great workout. To progress in the sport, your physical fitness level will be an important factor – especially if you are doing any cross-country riding or going on rides that include climbs uphill.

The health benefits of mountain biking are numerous. According to the CDC, regular exercise can improve your brain health, help you to manage your weight, strengthen your bones and muscle, and reduce your risk of disease.

Managing your weight through mountain biking

Physical exercise like mountain biking is a great way to maintain your current weight or to lose some weight if that is your goal. The CDC recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity, which amounts to a half hour 5 days per week. What better way to achieve this level of physical activity than to get out and do some mountain biking? We can’t think of any!

A mix of strength training and cardio

Mountain biking provides riders with a well-balanced workout. It is great cardiovascular exercise, and will help to improve your endurance and cardiovascular functioning. Beyond that, it is surprisingly good for strength training. Mountain biking is a full-body workout, and will make your arms, legs, and core muscles stronger.

Mountain biking is also great to improve your balance and coordination. If you are someone that struggles in this department, you will probably want to start out on easier trails until you get the hang of it, but your balance and coordination will definitely improve from mountain biking. A nice bonus is your improved balance and coordination can carry over to other sports and activities you might be interested in.

2. It’s a fun way to explore nature

There is something about taking your bike deep into nature, away from cars, traffic, and city noise, and smelling the fresh, clean air that makes mountain biking very enjoyable.

Depending on where you ride, you could see any number of animals. Riding in an area where you know there are large or otherwise interesting animals roaming about can add to the excitement, thrill, and adventure of your ride. You never know what you might come across as you get off the beaten path and deep into a mountain biking trail.

Often times some of the best mountain biking trails are based in beautiful natural landscapes already. The great outdoors provides mountain bikers with stunning locations to build trails and ride our mountain bikes.

Some mountain bikers enjoy doing something called bike packing, and taking their bikes on multi-day wilderness adventures, packing all their essentials along with them. It makes for a great way to explore nature, and using the bike to help you do that. Bike packers usually are more interested in the adventure of the trip than the ride itself.

3. There are many different trails to choose from

One of the things that makes mountain biking great is the variety of experiences it can provide for riders.

Trails to suit different riding preferences

There is a wide variety of different types and styles of mountain biking, and because of that, a wide variety of mountain biking trails. If you’re looking for fast riding, technical features and getting airtime, things like downhill and enduro mountain biking might be what you prefer.

On the other hand, you might rather do other types of mountain biking like cross-country and trail riding if you’re mainly interested in getting a good workout from riding.

Some riders also just want a variety to keep their mountain biking interesting, and to be able to work on different skills, and thankfully, there are many different types of trails to accommodate those wishes.

For more details on different types of mountain biking, check out our article: Different Types of Mountain Biking.

Trails for different skill levels

Another terrific benefit about having a wide variety of mountain biking trails available is having trails to suit riders of differing skill levels. This allows beginners to start riding on relatively flat, less technical trails, go at their own pace, and makes it possible for them to work their way up.

It also keeps more experienced riders engaged in the sport since there is nearly always bigger features and more challenging trails you could be riding to push yourself.

4. It’s a great way to get some fresh air and sunshine

Many of us know that we could use more fresh air and sunshine. The CDC says that sun exposure can stimulate production of vitamin D, helping to prevent vitamin D deficiencies, and also that time outdoors may promote mental health and stress reduction.

Since getting fresh air and sunshine is both healthy and feels good, why not do it while having fun on your mountain bike? Getting into mountain biking will just give you another reason to spend more time in the great outdoors.

5. You can socialize with other mountain bikers

Mountain biking can be a great way to meet people, and a fun way to spend time with friends.

If you’re new to a city, or just looking to meet new people to go riding with, ask and look around for local online mountain biking communities. Many places have groups on social media allowing riders to meet other riders in their area and plan things like group rides and other events.

Group rides with others can be a lot of fun. Mountain biking is a great activity to do with friends, and provides an opportunity to see how your mountain biking skills stack up against other riders. Riding with a group will also give you a chance to learn from better and more experienced riders, and to see new ways to approach particular features and sections of trail. Group rides can be a great way to take your mountain biking experience to new heights.

6. It’s great for your mental health

What better reason to get out and ride than to improve your mental health?

The mental health benefits of both physical activity and from getting fresh air and sunlight are well documented.

The American Psychological Association finds a strong link between exercise and mood, and doing things like going out for a run, or going mountain biking, can have a mood-enhancement effect.

According to the APA there is evidence to suggest that active people are less depressed than inactive people. Research shows that exercise can be beneficial for both short-term and long-term mental health of an individual.

Many riders with experience understand the mental health boost and clarity of mind that mountain biking gives them, and its a reason many enjoy it so much and keep coming back for more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes mountain biking fun?

There are many things that make mountain biking fun. For example, the challenge of riding over varied and difficult terrain, the feeling of being one with nature as you ride through forests and parks, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering a tough hill or trail. In addition, mountain biking is a great way to get exercise and fresh air, and it’s a social activity that can be enjoyed with friends. So whether you’re looking for a true physical challenge, a relaxing way to enjoy the outdoors, or simply a fun activity to do with friends, mountain biking is certainly worth considering.

Will mountain biking get me in shape?

Yes, mountain biking can definitely get you in shape. It is a great workout because it involves cardio and strength training. In addition, mountain biking can help improve your balance and coordination.

Can you lose weight by mountain biking?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of weight you can lose by mountain biking depends on a variety of factors, including your starting weight, how often you ride, the intensity of your rides, and your overall diet. However, mountain biking can certainly be an effective way to lose weight and improve your fitness level.


Mountain biking is an amazing way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, experience nature, and get a great workout. As you can see, the benefits of mountain biking are numerous. If you’ve never tried mountain biking before, we encourage you to give it a go. You may be surprised at how much you love it!

The Apex Adventurer